Basic Usage
Core Functionality
The first step is to initialize the SDK client with the credentials that have been provided to you:
Note: If you are both a Search: Pex Registry and Search: Custom Database customer, each product will require a separate set of credentials.
Note: There might be a slight delay the first time you authenticate as the SDK downloads and installs necessary updates
Generate Fingerprint
Before performing any searches you need to generate a fingerprint from a media file:
Note: When creating audio fingerprints, the SDK uses a single CPU. For melody fingerprints, the SDK uses two CPUs, if available.
If you need to process larger volumes of files, running computations in parallel is recommended. This can significantly improve processing capacity.
For information on the difference between audio and melody fingerprints and the use cases they address, please see our FAQ page
Search Functionality
Initiate Search
Once the fingerprint has been generated, you are ready to initiate a search:
Note: For an explanation of what each "search type" does, please see this page: Search Types.
If no search type is designated when building the request, the request will default to the "identify music" search type
Retrieve Search Results
Once a search is complete, you can retrieve the results of the search:
Interpret Search Results
To view details on what's contained in a search response, please see the following section: Search Response
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