Search Response

Interpreting a Search Response

A search may result in zero or many matches. If one or more assets are matched, the search response conveys the following information:

  • Matched Assets - the "provided ID" of the matched asset(s)

  • Match Details - the details of the match including match duration, match segments and any modification details

Below is an example of a search response for an audio search that matched to one asset:

  "lookup_ids": [
  "query_file_duration_seconds": 158.0,
  "matches": [
      "provided_id": "my_custom_asset_id_123",
      "match_details": {
        "audio": {
          "query_match_duration_seconds": 158.0,
          "query_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "asset_match_duration_seconds": 207.0,
          "asset_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "segments": [
              "query_start": 0,
              "query_end": 158,
              "asset_start": 0,
              "asset_end": 207,
              "audio_pitch": 450,
              "audio_speed": 130,
              "melody_transposition": null,
              "confidence": 100
        "melody": null,
        "video": null

Below is an example of a search response for a melody search that matched to one asset:

  "lookup_ids": [
  "query_file_duration_seconds": 158.0,
  "matches": [
      "provided_id": "my_custom_asset_id_123",
      "match_details": {
        "audio": null,
        "melody": {
          "query_match_duration_seconds": 158.0,
          "query_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "asset_match_duration_seconds": 207.0,
          "asset_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "segments": [
              "query_start": 0,
              "query_end": 158,
              "asset_start": 0,
              "asset_end": 207,
              "audio_pitch": null,
              "audio_speed": null,
              "melody_transposition": 5,
              "confidence": 100
        "video": null

Search Response Glossary

Below is a description of the fields provided in a search response:



Unique identifier(s) representing a particular search


Total duration of the file submitted for search


Match information for assets identified in the search


Custom ID of the identified asset


Match details between the submitted file (query) and the identified asset (or ..melody)

Audio or Melody match details between query and identified asset


Match duration of the query that matched to the identified asset


Match percentage (query match duration / query duration) of the query that matched to the identified asset


Match duration of the identified asset that matched to query


Match percentage (asset match duration / asset duration) of the identified asset that matched to query


Details about the match segments between the submitted file (query) and the identified asset


Start point of the query's match segment that matched to the identified asset


End point of the query's match segment that matched to the identified asset


Start point of the asset's match segment that matched to the query


End point of the asset's match segment that matched to the query


For audio matches only: Difference in pitch (in terms of cents) between the query and the identified asset. For example a value of 0 indicates the pitch of both the query segment and the asset segment is the same. A value of 400 indicates the pitch of the query segment is 400 cents higher (or 4 semitones higher) than the speed of the asset segment


For audio matches only: Difference in speed (in terms of %) between the query and the identified asset. For example a value of 100 indicates the speed of both the query segment and the asset segment is the same. A value of 125 indicates the speed of the query segment is 25% faster than the speed of the asset segment


For melody matches only: Pitch transposition (in terms of semitones) between the query and the identified asset. For example a value of 0 indicates the there is no transposition between the query segment and the asset segment. A value of -2 indicates the query segment is 2 semitones lower than the identified asset segment


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