Search Response

Interpreting a Search Response

A search may result in zero or many matches. If one or more assets are matched, the search response conveys the following information:

  • Matched Assets - the "provided ID" of the matched asset(s)

  • Match Details - the details of the match including match duration, match segments and any modification details

Below is an example of a search response for an audio search that matched to one asset:

  "lookup_ids": [
  "query_file_duration_seconds": 158.0,
  "matches": [
      "provided_id": "my_custom_asset_id_123",
      "match_details": {
        "audio": {
          "query_match_duration_seconds": 158.0,
          "query_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "asset_match_duration_seconds": 207.0,
          "asset_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "segments": [
              "query_start": 0,
              "query_end": 158,
              "asset_start": 0,
              "asset_end": 207,
              "audio_pitch": 450,
              "audio_speed": 130,
              "melody_transposition": null,
              "confidence": 100
        "melody": null,
        "video": null

Below is an example of a search response for a melody search that matched to one asset:

  "lookup_ids": [
  "query_file_duration_seconds": 158.0,
  "matches": [
      "provided_id": "my_custom_asset_id_123",
      "match_details": {
        "audio": null,
        "melody": {
          "query_match_duration_seconds": 158.0,
          "query_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "asset_match_duration_seconds": 207.0,
          "asset_match_percentage": 100.0,
          "segments": [
              "query_start": 0,
              "query_end": 158,
              "asset_start": 0,
              "asset_end": 207,
              "audio_pitch": null,
              "audio_speed": null,
              "melody_transposition": 5,
              "confidence": 100
        "video": null

Search Response Glossary

Below is a description of the fields provided in a search response:

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