
Latest Updates

SDK Version 4.4.0

New Release: Aug 12, 2024

  • Archive Functionality (for Search: Custom Database clients) - allows client to remove a fingerprint from their custom database, so it will no longer be available for matching. For more details on using this functionality, please visit Basic Usage

  • Database List Functionality (for Search: Custom Database clients) - allows client to retrieve a list of what fingerprints (via provided_id) are currently in their custom database. For more details on using this functionality, please visit Basic Usage

  • Better Logging Information - Additional information added to the logs to assist with troubleshooting issues

  • Bug Fix: Fix for SDK occasionally erroring out after long period of connectivity with no activity

SDK Version 4.2.1

New Release: May 5, 2024

  • A confidence value is now returned for every match segment in the search response. You can find it in the segments object in the match_details section.

  • For more details, visit the Search Response page for Search: Pex Registry or Search: Custom Database

  • Bug Fix: The SDK will no longer return an invalid input error when attempting to create an audio fingerprint from a file that contains no or low level audio

SDK Version 4.1.2

New Release: Feb 16, 2024

  • When performing an audio or melody search against the Pex Registry, you can now also designate a specific search type to perform: an "identify music" search or a "find matches" search. A identify music search allows you to check any media file for copyrighted music. A find matches search allows you to find commercially distributed versions of your own copyrighted asset. To designate a search type, you will pass an additional parameter when creating the search request. Note: if no search type is designated, the search will default to the "identify music" search type.

  • For more details on how to prepare the search request and designate a search type, visit: Initiate Search

  • For more details on the two search types, visit: Search Types

SDK Version 4.0.10

New Release: Jan 17, 2024

  • When searching against the Pex Registry, DSP links (if available) are now returned for matched assets in the search response. You can find it in the dsp object in the asset section.

  • For more details, visit the Search Response page for Search: Pex Registry

SDK Version 4.0.3

New Release: Nov 1, 2023

  • When searching against the Pex Registry, the release date is now returned for the album associated with the matched asset. You can find it in the release_date object in the asset section.

  • For more details, visit the Search Response page for Search: Pex Registry

SDK Version 4.0.0

New Release: Oct 26, 2023

  • The search response has been expanded to include more asset metadata and match details for a matched asset.

    • Asset metadata now includes: ISRC, Title, Subtitle, Artist, Album/Release Name, Barcode, Label, Distributor

    • Match details now includes: Query Match Duration, Query Match %, Asset Match Duration, Asset Match %

    • Match segment details now includes: Query Start, Query End, Asset Start, Asset End, Pitch Modification, Speed Modification, Transposition information

  • For more details, visit the Search Response page for Search: Pex Registry or Search: Custom Database

Last updated